Concrete Floors
of Lafayette
Surface Prep, Coatings Removal, Polishing
“Dustless Diamond Grinding”
401 Chappuis Avenue
Rayne, LA 70578
Polished Concrete Floors
"The Longest Lasting Floor Solution Available"
Coatings Removal
Remove Carpet Glue, Sealers, Thinset, Vct Glue, Epoxies, Coatings,
Laminate Glue, Paint, Acid Stain, etc.

Remove carpet glue

Remove Sealer |

Remove Thinset
Surface Preparation
Prepare Surfaces for Epoxy, Acid Stain; and, Smooth Rough Finishes
Smooth Pitted Floor - Concrete Poured during Rain
Polished Concrete
Diamond Polish Concrete with or without Color. Polish up to a High Gloss Finish.
Remove Coating, Grind and Polish, with Color
Restore Terrazzo Floors
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